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Someone at SailPoint says...

Good work culture and WLB. The company really takes care of its employees in every way.

SailPoint Interview Questions

Note: ensure you read the disclaimer on the previous page reading the accuracy and sourcing of these problems.

People at SailPoint Say

This information was sourced from reviews originally posted on Glassdoor.

Fairly competitive salaries. Fun place to work. Friendly people
Our engineers' competence is well above par compared with the rest of the industry.
Good, cohesive culture within Sailpoint. Classic dev vs sales vs services vs support battles still exist, though it's not beyond understandable that each team has different interests.
These people care about their people! What a great group to work with! This company fully understands and embraces the concept that well taken care of employees will work hard, and produce great stuff.

Engineering Levels

Hover over to see average compensation details. This data was sourced from submissions at levels.fyi.

API Development (Back-End)

85k - Base
5k - Stock
6k - Bonus
API Development (Back-End)

85k - Base
5k - Stock
5k - Bonus
API Development (Back-End)

115k - Base
8k - Stock
6k - Bonus
Senior Software Engineer
API Development (Back-End)

140k - Base
5k - Stock
5k - Bonus
Not Available

Not Available - Base
- Stock
- Bonus