Coding interview trends in 2024

By Jake from AlgoDaily on 2024-01-02 23:58:33 UTC

As the tech hiring market recovers, we continue to get a better understanding of how the industry is doing. Fortunately, we have positive changes to report, just in time for many of you to begin interview prep and land a better job this year.

Be aware of some trends that are occurring. Staying on top of the industry's practices can help you prepare accordingly, and land the job that could make or break your career. Imagine landing a job at Amazon in 2000, or Google in 2005-- where could you be now?

Some Recent Trends

  1. Demand Shifts Towards Specialized Skills:

    • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity job postings have increased by 35% since 2022, making it one of the fastest-growing tech fields.
    • Cloud Computing: Demand for cloud computing skills is expected to grow by 25% in 2024, as more organizations continue their transition to cloud-based infrastructure. (Source: Gartner)
    • Artificial Intelligence: The AI market is projected to reach $190 billion by 2025, driving demand for AI engineers and data scientists. (Source: IDC)
  2. Remote Work Still on the Rise:

    • 75% of tech companies now offer remote work options, and 54% offer fully remote positions. (Source: FlexJobs)
    • Roughly 2/3 of tech workers say they would prefer to work remotely at least part of the time.
  3. Soft Skills Take Center Stage:

  4. Focus on Upskilling and Reskilling:

    • 59% of organizations are investing in upskilling and reskilling programs to address skills gaps. (Source: PwC)
    • 74% of employees are willing to learn new skills or reskill to stay employable. (Source: Udemy)

What to Make of This?

Despite the turmoil of the last two years, the software engineering job market roars with untapped potential. Companies hungry for specialized skills like cybersecurity and AI are actively seeking talent, not just in tech hubs, but globally thanks to booming remote work opportunities. But competition for these coveted roles is fierce. Here's where you come in.

At AlgoDaily, here's what we suggest you do to bolster your chances:

  • Apply early, especially if the company is larger than 1000 employees. The process can take longer than expected. An average full interview cycle, from recruiter phone screen to offer, will take around 3 months.
  • Apply to many places. There are thousands of great software companies looking to hire top talent. More than one will be able to offer what you're looking for.
  • Have a plan. Either use one of our outlined plans, work through the courses step by step, or at least practice daily with our coding challenges.
  • Get a good webcam! It'll make all the difference for the interviewer.
  • Use LinkedIn-- both to get inbound recruitment, as well as to build your network for referrals into companies you want to work at.
  • Apply the 80/20 rule when preparing-- if you're a junior engineer, spend 80% of your time on data structures and algorithms, and 20% on role-specific prep. (If you're a senior candidate, coding and systems design should be the 80%).
  • Use available compensation data to your advantage, and be sure to negotiate accordingly.

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